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 Ideas for Businesses You Can Launch for Cheap or Free

Today, tens of thousands of people are considering starting a home based business, and for good reasons. On average, people can expect to have two and three careers during their work life. Those leaving one career often think about their second or third career move being to their own home. People who have been part of the traditional nine-to-five work force and are on the verge of retiring from that life are thinking of what to do next. The good news: Starting a homebased business is within the reach of almost anyone who wants to take a risk and work hard.
Some of the business ideas listed require nothing more than an internet connection, while others demand a level of licensing or a specific set of vocational skills...the choice is yours!

1. Making Chatbots 

I am quoted on entrepreneur.com as  "ChatBot expert Murray Newlands commented that "Where 10 years ago every company needed a website and five  years ago every company needed an app, now every company needs to embrace messaging with AI and chatbots." That brings opportunity and jobs. You can learn to make them for free without coding for companies.
Chatbots are in and it has reached the point where every business needs one. Chatbots have become a huge opportunity for companies to engage with their customers, gather data, and improve their marketing and customer care efforts. You can start your own chatbot creation business easily and quickly without needing to code. I created the free to use tool  Chattypeople.com but there are lots of others out there. All you need to do is:
  • Read about bots and their functions
  • Create an account 
  • Learn about the company who needs a chatbot
  • Create their bot through 
  • Launch it through Facebook Messenger
  • No coding or long courses needed
The platform is great, as it:
  • Works with Facebook Messenger and comments
  • Can push promotions to customers on demand
  • Recognizes variations on trigger words
  • Can process orders from Facebook
  • Integrates with all main payment processing platforms

2. Bookkeeping Services

Are you great with numbers and want to work from the comforts of home? To become a freelance bookkeeper, you do not need to be a Certified Public Accountant, but you do need to be good with numbers. There are lots of free to use online invoicing tools such as Sighted.com and online payments tools like Due.com. Some services you could offer include:
  • Creating balance sheets
  • Providing income statements
  • Creating various monthly, quarterly, or annual financial reports

3. Personal or Virtual Assistant

Although personal and virtual assistant jobs do not sound glamorous, they do pay well. If you have already held this job in an office, you will find the digital version allows for a lot more freedom. Use services like Upwork.com to find clients. You can choose:
  • Your clients
  • Your hours
  • Your hourly, daily, or monthly pay rate

4. Marketing Services

Marketing does involve a certain level of background knowledge. That said, if you are not experienced, investing in an online course is not only cheap but will equip you with the adequate tools to start a solo digital marketing agency you could expand in the future. There are lots of new marketing fields opening up such as influencer marketing.
Companies are always looking for freelancers able to provide marketing copy that is SEO-friendly and can transform website visitors into leads and, eventually, customers. In addition to offering optimized copy, you could offer to upload the content to their websites and improve their SEO further with:
  • Meta descriptions
  • The right titles
  • The correct keyword density
  • Tags and categories
  • Relevant images with SEO captions and alt tags

5. Social Media Consultant

Who doesn’t love Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Fancy yourself to be a bit of whiz but don’t have any formal training? Twitter and Google, among other platforms, offer complete professional courses with recognized certifications that require little to no money. Social media is also a business that has unlimited potential with a client base that can span across the world. This trend is unlikely to die soon, if ever, and new platforms are being released every year, making the possibilities for expansion limitless. You can use social media management tools to make your job easy.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is extremely easy to get into and involves you earning a commission by promoting other companies' products and services. Basically, you choose a product you like, promote it, and make a profit on each sale that stems from your marketing efforts. An affiliate marketing business is especially easy to start if:
  • You have a blog or website of your own
  • You can prove your success through visitor statistics
  • You have already successfully undertaken affiliate marketing and can show this to your potential clients
The Affiliate Marketing Model: A Blueprint for Success in the Gig Economy

7. Tester or Reviewer

Individuals or startups often look for people to review their products to encourage others to buy them. You can either get started with a profile on freelancing websites or approach companies directly, offering them a review in exchange for a monetary reward by becoming an influencer. Even better, if you have your own website or blog, you could write entire posts about their products, thus allowing you to charge more money in the long run and build a portfolio with tangible results to show future clients.

8. Secretarial Services

Similar to virtual assisting, remote secretarial services require little to no experience. All you need is:
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Good time management
  • A high level of autonomy
Your day-to-day tasks as a freelancing secretary will typically include:
  • Booking meetings
  • Organizing calendars
  • Replying to emails
  • Putting together presentations
  • Answering phone calls

9. Online Dating Consultant

Have you got a way with words? Or have you found your Mr. or Mrs. Right and want to share how you got there? You can become someone's wingman or woman and help them find love by becoming an online dating consultant. This type of consulting comes with a large level of responsibility, as you will be guiding someone's love life. Daily tasks include:
  • Acting as an account manager on dating sites
  • Writing profiles
  • Offering telephone updates on their matchmaking status

10. Ebay Assistant or Seller

An Ebay assistant or seller is similar to being a marketing affiliate. The key difference is that instead of marketing the product, you are selling it directly to the customer. When selling for others on Ebay or any other platform, you will sell the product and keep a commission as compensation.
Unfortunately, this type of job comes with risks. Commonly, scam artists attract Ebay sellers and use fake shipping papers to convince them to send payments. Unfortunately, even if you are scammed, you will be held responsible for your customers not receiving their items. Always remember to:
  • Get to know the distributor
  • Keep all payments in your e-wallet until the customer confirms having received the parcel
  • Report any suspicious activity
  • Do not share any of your banking details

11. Application Developer

New applications are launched on a daily basis and if you believe you have the skills to create your own and a unique enough idea, you should do it! Aside from the fact that you will have to invest little to no money to get started, it is far less time consuming than the average 9 to 5. Once you have created your application, couple it with the right marketing strategy and you'll be making money in your sleep. The best part about developing applications is that you can do it from anywhere in the world.

12. Website Developer

We live in a digital world where every business needs a website to drive their traffic to in order to make sales. If you have the skills, you could enter an industry that will never die. You can also start small by creating websites on platforms such as Wordpress. If you want to take your web-building skills to the next level, you can learn the language of website creation through Codecademy.com, where you will be able to learn how to incorporate personalized:
  • Shopping carts
  • Product pages
  • Galleries
  • Blogs
  • Services pages
  • Feedback forms

13. Internet Security Consultant

Hacking, scamming, and viruses are just some of the security threats on the web today. If you know your stuff, you could make very good money consulting businesses, especially those who handle sensitive customer information and want to keep it as safe as possible.

14. Graphic Designer

Companies are always in search for branding that tells people about what they do. If you can follow company guidelines and customer needs, all you will need to get started is a computer and applications such as Photoshop or Illustrator. Types of media you will be responsible for creating include:
  • Logos
  • Fliers
  • Newsletters
  • Magazines
  • Information sheets
  • Letters
  • Advertisements

15. Desktop Publisher

Desktop publishers typically use publishing software to create:
  • Magazines
  • Books
  • Marketing newsletters
  • Other marketing materials
In order to offer a full service, you could also write the content or hire a content writer and create your own small team.

16. Designing Business Plans

Having a eureka moment is great, but it can be hard to put that idea down on paper in a way that will speak to a potential investor. If you have owned your own business in the past or earned a business degree, why not help those with a eureka moment start something they love? Plan your fee around the various packages you are prepared to offer your clients. You can either:
  • Create an electronic copy that your client can customize
  • Keep a copy on file and continue customizing it according to their needs
  • Create various templates that you can show your customers and how you can customize the templates for  them accordingly